

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

Curso 2020/2021

Hola a todos,
El 1 de septiembre empiezo el curso escolar, por lo que se me reduce el número de horas que puedo dedicar a las clases privadas. Es por ello que adjunto aquí el enlace a mi horario, para que el mayor número posible de estudiantes encuentre una hora que le convenga. El precio de las clases online para el curso 2020/2021 es de 60 euros al mes, que deberán ser abonados durante los primeros 5 días de cada mes. Las clases que coincidan con días festivos serán recuperadas. Espero poder tener tiempo para todos vosotros. Os ruego elijáis hora lo antes posible y me mandéis un mensaje indicándome vuestras preferencias.
Un saludo afectuoso.


Hello my dear students:
On Spetember 1st I start the school year, so the number of hours I can dedicate to private lessons will be reduced. That is why I attach here the link to my schedule, so that as many students as possible find a time that suits them. The price of online classes for the 2020/2021 course is 60 euros per month, which must be paid during the first 5 days of each month. Classes that coincide with holidays will be made up. I hope I can have time for all of you. Please choose time as soon as possible and send me a message indicating your preferences.
Best regards

Hallo meine liebe Studenten,
Am 1. September beginne ich das Schuljahr, sodass die Anzahl der Stunden, die ich Privatunterricht widmen kann, reduziert wird. Deshalb füge ich hier den Link zu meinem Stundenplan hinzu, damit möglichst viele Schüler eine Zeit finden, die zu ihnen passt. Der  online Unterrichtspreis für den Kurs 2020/2021 beträgt 60 Euro pro Monat und muss an den ersten 5 Tagen eines jeden Monats bezahlt werden. Klassen, die mit Feiertagen zusammenfallen, werden zusammengestellt. Ich hoffe ich kann Zeit für Sie alle haben. Bitte wählen Sie die Zeit so schnell wie möglich und senden Sie mir eine Nachricht mit Ihren Präferenzen.
Viele Grüsse

sábado, 18 de abril de 2020

Para sábado, 25 de abril / For next Saturday.

Los que tienen buen nivel de español, "Querido hijo, estás despedido", capítulo 3: Las discusiones.

Si habéis perdido el libro, está aquí:

For non natives, start with "El rey solito". You have it here:

If you want to watch a video before reading it or at the same time... here you have it:


Next time I would like to create the Zoom Meeting myself ...
Have a nice weekend everybody.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

Viernes, 10 de abril. "En el parque". Summary in English and question to answer.

Miguel started walking towards the park. He thought that at that hour it would be full of children. His luggage was very heavy. There were mothers with their babies, old men, and many children running everywhere. But Miguel did not feel like playing. He waited for his friends to arrive. His friends saw him with a siutcase and asked him if he was going on a trip. Miguel explained that they had thrown him out of the house. His friends did not believe him. Mar, perhaps because she was a girl, was the first to realize that it was true. Some of the boys gave him ideas of where he could go. Miguel asked them for money. He was hungry. Mar went to her house to get a sandwich. They advised him of some work he could do to earn money. In the end, their friends' mothers came looking for them, calling them out loud. Miguel was envious of them. He missed even his mother's screams.

¿En qué época del año transcurre este capítulo?

In what season does this chapter take place? Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter…?

jueves, 9 de abril de 2020

Jueves, 9 de abril. "En la calle". Summary in English and question to answer.

Miguel was alone. He didn't know what to do, he had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. He was feeling tired. He crossed the street in the shade and began to wait. He was sure his mother would come down. He had time to remember many things; The good and bad. He had done many bad things. Suddenly his mother appeared. She was smiling, very pretty and well groomed. But his mother did not come down to see him. He was going to the gym! Miguel was paralyzed. Then, he started seeing young people. It had to be the time of leaving the school. Where were they all going? Where was he going to go? Suddenly Miguel had an idea.

¿Quién crees que  será la primera persona con la que hable Miguel, un adulto o un niños? Escribe tu respuesta en los comentarios.

Who do you think will be the first person Miguel talks to, an adult or a child? Write your answer in the comments.

martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Miércoles, 8 de abril. "El despido". Summary in English and question to answer.

Miguel woke up and did not know what day it was. He only knew that he was late for school and that they were going to scold him. Then he remembered. It was May 7th. Her mother had packed her suitcase. It was over. His mother said that she could visit them whenever he wanted. Miguel did not know where to go. His mother told him that he had had a month to think about it. He was on the stairs. The door to his house was closed. He thought about staying there until he starved, so his mother would let him through. The neighbour, Gertrudis, came down. She knew it too and was not sorry. The world had gone crazy. Sometimes Miguel saw people with bad things happening on TV, but he wasn't even going to be on TV. Anger drove him to despair and he went outside.

¿A dónde irías tú si fueras Miguel? Escribe tu respuesta en los comentarios.

Where would you go if you were Miguel? Write your answer in the comments.

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

Martes, 7 de abril. "El último mes". Summary in English and question to answer.

Miguel´s behaviour was good for several days, but then he broke a vase playing soccer. Her mother did not protest. He was good again for a couple of days. Then he ate a can of chocolate ice cream that a neighbour had left on the stairs. This time she did not punish him either and paid for the ice cream. Everything that was happening was very strange.  Another day he did an experiment… "Nothing happens" - said his mother - "there are only a few days left for day 7". On the 6th, at night, his last night, Miguel thought he wouldn´t be able to sleep. It was difficult, but in the end he fell asleep.

¿Crees que los padres de Miguel le perdonarán en el último momento? ¿Tú le perdonarías? ¿Por qué? Escribe tu respuesta en los comentarios.

Do you think Miguel´s parents will forgive him? Would you forgive him? Why? Write your answer in the comments.